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Esthetics, Essential Oils and Flower Essences

Personalized skincare solutions for a variety of concerns such as acne, scarring, fine lines, aging, and hyperpigmentation. Each facial includes deep cleansing, exfoliation, facial massage, neck, shoulder and hand massage, extractions, and a healing mask. COSMEDIX brand products are available for purchase for your take-home

skincare routine.


Additional Services:

Acupuncture Facelifts


Facial Peels

Teen Facials


Brown and Lash Tint

Face Waxing


AMD Ionic Detox Foot Bath









Brows - $30

Brow + Lip - $35

Brow + Tint - $35

Full Face - $45

Brow Tint - $15

Lash Tint - $35


Facials - $100

Facial Peels - $125

Microneedling - $150 

Cupping - $50

Detox Foot Bath - $55



Acupuncture Facelifts:

Single Session - $175

Package of 10 Sessions* - $1,500

*(must be used within 6 weeks for best results)


Blueberry Smoothie, Purity/Detox Peel,

Timeless Peel, and Deep Sea Peel 

Old shabby turquoise painted wooden surface. Light teal pastel color wood texture. Rustic

A full line of COSMEDIX brand products offers an array of gentle cleansers, moisturizers, and lightweight SPF lotions for purchase. Perfect for your at-home skincare routine!

DoTERRA Essential Oils are a wonderful addition to any home! Available for purchase, this line features products my family and I have come to rely on; including safe and effective hand sanitizers, soaps, mouthwash, children's remedies, and so much more!


Blessed Flower Essences are a gentle and safe way to help with many concerns, such as irritability, sadness, depression, anger, and anxiety. Available for purchase, these remedies are odorless, tasteless, and chemical-free!

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